I am so confused. I think I mentioned in the last post that there's a possibility I may have ovulated already. I said I wasn't going to temp but I couldn't help myself and I did the last two days. Now, I obviously know two days of temping says absolutely nothing. But. Knowing my pattern, it does say a little bit. My temp yesterday and today are in post O range. It is never that high pre O.
It makes me wonder if I may have ovulated around CD 14 or 15. Which would be crazy considering I don't typically O until CD 18 or 19. I know it's just a few days. But when we did our med cycle, even w/ meds at my first u/s to check on follies, they weren't large. If I remember, that u/s was on CD 12. So the fact that I may have O'ed on CD 14ish is huge. And could mean my body might actually be producing a good egg.
Obviously I have no idea for sure. I am slightly inclined to believe it though because my sex drive shot through the roof around CD 14. For you stalking pleasure.
Different could be better! Coooooome on May baby G!
ReplyDeleteI sure hope so! If different means better, I'm all for it!