Sunday, August 4, 2013

There has to be light at the end of the tunnel

This morning has been horrible. Let's start with what's going on before this morning..

C's party is next week. Our anniversary is next week. ILs are coming down next weekend. Getting the house in order. Hoping to get pregnant anyfuckingday now. C is well into the terrible twos. I got into a fender bender earlier this week.

So.. That's what's been going on. Now.. This morning.

I woke up at 3 am from a bad dream. Well, good dream turned bad. Here's what happened:

I was feeling pulled to taking a pregnancy test, so I did. Two lines. I'm pregnant! Great news. I go down stairs to talk to S and tell him. We're sitting on the living room floor w/ C just hanging out. Our security alarm has a chime on it, so when a door opens, it beeps. It beeps. We're all sitting together, so that means someone else opens it. 
In comes some guy named Sweeny. (Mind you, I've never seen Sweeny Todd). He comes in and I start yelling at S to do something. He just sits on his phone like it's no big deal. Sweeny then starts to try to beat S up. Jumps on top of him and starts wailing on him. I'm freaking out while trying to keep C calm. 
The only thing I have to try to defend us.. A TV remote. So I start chucking it at his head.. Nothing happens. He just keeps going.

The dream suddenly ends and I'm breathing incredibly heavily. I texted S, assuming he had left for work; "Did you close the garage???" No answer. "????" No answer. "???" No answer. I call his phone to get him to look at the screen and see he has messages. I hear foot steps coming up our stairs. I quieted my breathing and was ready to fight.

It's S. "Why are you asking if I closed the garage?"
"I had a bad dream."
"I'll make sure to close it when I leave."

I go back to sleep.

23 minutes later. My phone starts ringing. It's S. I'm thinking he left the garage open.

"I was in an accident."

My heart dropped. He tells me he's okay but our truck is trashed. Completely trashed. He was T-boned.   Hit on the side with C's car seat. Air bags deployed. Car died.

As he's explaining to me, half awake, what happened. I tell him send me a picture and I'll call you when we get up to finish talking.

I called him back after C woke up to actually understand what he was saying. 

He was on his way to work, a one lane road for about a half mile from our house. It opened up to two lanes and he continued in the left lane. An older model truck in front of him. They turn on their left blinker, but proceed into the right lane. S sees this and just assumes they hit it the wrong way. 

Wrong. They were making an illegal U turn on a double yellow street. Didn't slow down, apparently didn't look. S tried to swerve out of the way. Too late. T-bone right into him. They didn't stop once they made contact. The driver continued to finish his U turn. They pushed our large SUV all the way around to the other side of the street.  On top of that, S said it looked they were going to run. Luckily they didn't. 

PD was called, our car towed, car seat is no good, S got a ride into work from PD. Supposedly the kid driving, was a DD and from the looks of it, a brand new driver. 

Spoke with our insurance and we're going to pursue having their insurance cover all costs. According to our insurance, our car is totaled. From what I understand, as long as their insurance claims the same for our damages, they will pay us up front for the cost of the car plus C's seat. As well as pay for a rental for us as this was our only vehicle. S should be on the phone right now with them. 

Soon as I hear from S, I'll drop an update. We've had this car for barely a month. 


  1. Aww I'm sorry. I'm glad everyone was ok but that still sucks big time. I hope the rest of your week is better.

  2. Aww I'm so sorry honey! After recently dealing with a crash and insurance, I can tell you that the other insurance company will cover the rental car and yes replace the car seat. Any car seat even in a small accident should never be used again. You may have to remind insurance of this part tho and remind them that a car seat was damaged and needs replaced.

    I'm so glad that your husband is Ok. The whole situation and your past week sounds sucky. I hope it gets better soon.

  3. Gonz I am so sorry. I hope that this week is better and everything with the insurance works out.
    Glad everyone is okay though.
    Lots of love and hugs.

  4. What a scary start to your day! I'm glad your H is ok! I hope insurance works out without requiring you to argue too much for what you're owed. Glad everyone's ok and I hope the weeks turns around for you.

  5. Holy crap Gonz, that is so scary! I'm so glad everyone's okay. I hope the insurance isn't a problem.

  6. Omg I am so sorry ! What a crappy series of events! I hope you guys are able to get their insurance to pony up the dough.
