Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I've been slacking. Haven't had too much to update on. So we'll just go through a quick recap.

We're on cycle 17. Doing an unmedicated cycle. Loosely charting and using OPK.

C will be 2 in two weeks and two days. Woah.

Which also means our anniversary is in 2 weeks. Dang.

I've been thinking about our journey TTC #2 a lot lately. And coming to the conclusion we may only be blessed with C. Which is completely good with us if that's the case. While it sucks that we may not be able to give him a sibling, he is the light of our life. Absolutely the best thing that has ever happened for us.  It does crush me to think we just might have one child.

I'm still debating if I want to try another IUI in September. Or just NTNP for an uncertain amount of time.

IUI #1 was a huge mindfuck. A roller coaster of craziness. I'm not sure I'm ready to go through that again. Maybe by September I will be, maybe I wont. One of those things that only time will tell.


  1. Hugs!!! You know I love you and we're all here to support you whatever you decide!
