Monday, June 16, 2014

Twenty six, Twenty seven, Twenty eight, Twenty nine

Well… It's been a while since I've posted. Whoops. 

How far: 29+2
Size of baby: Acorn squash
Physical symptoms: The giant ball under my shirt. 
Starting Weight: 105.
Gain/loss: +17 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yep. 
Stretch marks: Nothing new yet. S recently found some varicose veins on my legs though 
Fun at the fair with the boys! 
Sleep: All the time. I nap almost daily with C now.
Best moment: Third tri! The homestretch.
Movement: She has slowed down and her movement isn't as pronounced as before. 
Cravings: Carbs.
Gender: Girl! 
Labor signs: Nothing legit. We spent an afternoon in L&D for decreased movement, BHs and tinged CM though. Luckily nothing was really happening. 
Belly button: Half and half.  
What I miss: Eating a full meal. 
What I am looking forward to: Getting down to single digit weeks left!
Milestones: Meh.