Thursday, June 13, 2013

The plan

Baseline went well. Rather surprising though. Both ovaries looked great. Here's the surprising part... Left ovary.... 20 follicles. Right ovary...... A whopping 12. 

20?! TWENTY FREAKING FOLLICLES?!?!? I'm baffled. 

Obviously none  of which are mature or anything. They're just there. Hanging out. Like no big deal.. Coconuts on a palm tree. 

Plan is set. We'll do 50 mg of Clomid + 75 units gonal-F + trigger + IUI. Then pray like hell it works. 

I have finally come to terms, I think, with moving onto treatment. Less anxiety about everything now. Talking with our Dr. really helped to sort my thoughts and better understand so there is less unknown. I'll be heading back to the hospital to pick up all the meds soon. Our pharmacy happens to be under renovations, causing insane wait times. 

This is pretty aggressive treatment for the first go round. I was a little uncomfortable with this until I found out that if this cycle doesn't work, we go back on baseline wait list... Another 3 months. After hearing this, I was very much okay with going as aggressive as we are. I hate the fact that our clinic is the only one that we can use with our insurance. Le sigh. Such is life. 

Meds! Yay!


  1. Good thoughts and crossed fingers for you here!

    1. Thank you! I need all the good vibes I can get!

  2. I'm thinking of you friend. I hope this is your cycle.

  3. This is basically the same treatment I will be doing next cycle. It does sound aggressive but I've heard of others starting out the same way, especially since the success rate of TI and meds is only about 9%. My RE said he skips that treatment sometimes because of that unless the patient wants to be less aggressive.

    Hugs and good luck!!!

    1. Thanks hun! I wasn't going to go to gonalF but finding out that it'd be another 3 months before we can cycle again with meds... I don't want to risk having to wait. When do you start next cycle?

  4. Good luck, I hope this is your cycle! FX for you!

  5. Good luck! That was basically what we did for our first cycle with treatment. I was taken aback by how aggressive we were being, but it didn't work, so now I'm all about bringing out all the stops. I hope this is it for you!

    1. Aw I'm sorry it didn't work! Good luck for your next cycle too!

  6. ((hugs)) and fx that this is it! It's a big push, let's hope that being aggressive was just what you needed. =D

  7. Brings back a lot of memories for me as I read this. I hope it happens for you very soon! <3

  8. Thank you Lisa! I'm getting anxious about it!
